
Archive for January, 2011

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Why Do You Struggle with Healthy Eating?

Why Do You Struggle with Healthy Eating?

Are you persistently frustrated by your weight loss attempts? Are you weary of the number of times you have started a new diet and exercise programme, only to fail? You’ve read all those promises how you can achieve fantastically quick weight loss in time for that fast approaching event. They tell you ...
Are you Tired of Feeling Worn Out and Tired

Are you Tired of Feeling Worn Out and Tired

Get Your Energy And Your Life Back On Track Where It Belongs! Are you finding yourself constantly bemoaning to your family, friends and work colleagues about feeling tired and worn-out? Do your muscles and joints ache all the time? Are you finding your throat feels dry and throbbing headaches come on without ...
Never Let Go Of Hope

Never Let Go Of Hope

One day you will see that it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself, "How did I get through all of that?" Just never let go of hope. Just never quit dreaming. And ...
Make Love to Yourself

Make Love to Yourself

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. - Oscar Wilde To my regular readers please don’t get worried. I have no resorted to writing erotica in order to get my ratings up, or pull in a few more readers. Mind you I did smile at the thought of the ...
Switch The Light On – Are You Heading In The Right Direction

Switch The Light On – Are You Heading In The Right Direction

When our life is approaching its final moment, I believe a natural thing to do would be to assess our life as it has been. We would reflect on all our life experiences, all the things we have seen and done, and the choices we have made. We will watch the ...
Thought Provoking Questions to create a Balanced Healthy Lifestyle

Thought Provoking Questions to create a Balanced Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle consists of eating healthy, getting the right amount of sleep, exercise, spending time looking after yourself, creating a positive mindset and yes having some enjoyment. In a previous post  I wrote ‘If you want to achieve true success in life, you must take steps to ensure you maintain ...
Simple Nutrition Rules for You

Simple Nutrition Rules for You

Despite the proliferation of materials and education about losing weight, people are getting fatter than ever. How you look, and how you feel is very much down to what you eat. Lack of muscle mass, high body fat, lack of energy, bad skin, digestive problems, sleep problems, mood swings… All of these ...
Healthy lifestyle ‘may reduce breast cancer risk’

Healthy lifestyle ‘may reduce breast cancer risk’

This morning an item on sky news talked about how unhealthy lifestyles and heavy drinking are contributing to high rates of breast cancer in Britain, according to a new report from the World Health Organisation (WHO). There has been a substantial increase in cancer rates with the ageing population, obesity rates soaring ...
Combine aerobics and weights for diabetes

Combine aerobics and weights for diabetes

New research has shown a combination of aerobic exercise with resistance training could be the best solution for people with type 2 diabetes. People who did both types of exercise had lower glycaemic levels than people who did no exercise, and better results than people who did either aerobic or resistance ...
Active over 40 – It’s Not Too Late To Get Fit

Active over 40 – It’s Not Too Late To Get Fit

Alas a majority of people over 40 are not very physically fit. Most believe that exercise at their age is too hard, too unsafe, or that it's just too late for them to get started. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Just a small increase in your current activity ...