
Archive for September, 2011

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

You Must Believe in Yourself When No One Else Does

You Must Believe in Yourself When No One Else Does

You have to believe in yourself, particularly when others don't believe in you. I love proving my doubters wrong. In my book, when others don’t believe in me, I let their doubts be extra fuel to drive me towards reaching my goals. The drive to accomplish anything and persevere until you ...
A New Chapter in Life

A New Chapter in Life

Today is the beginning of a new chapter in my daughter’s life as she starts her first day at College.  She’s growing up and moving on and I’m excited for her. As the starting date loomed ever closer, her excitement was overshadowed by a growing sense of nervousness and anxiety. Natural insecurities ...
You can achieve goals driven by passion!

You can achieve goals driven by passion!

Through this blog I frequently talk about following your passions, as illustrated by this post last month called ‘Live the Life You Desire Follow Your Passions’ . I ask questions such as are you looking for a way to follow your passion? Have you struggled with trying to work out what ...
20 Golden Nuggets of Successful Blogging

20 Golden Nuggets of Successful Blogging

Today I will be presenting a Free Training Webinar for The Nana Team - The Sakura Project   at 15:00 UK time.  My topic is Successful Blogging. John Jarvis the organiser of this Webinar, and a good friend of mine, has been getting a lot of questions from people on blog strategies and ...
Losing Your Way – Find A New Direction

Losing Your Way – Find A New Direction

You’ve been walking on this same road for a large part of your life. One day, darkness overtakes you, and you lose your bearings. You now can’t find your way in the dark that has overwhelmed you. You suddenly realised that you were totally lost. You are caught in a fog. You ...
What Should I Blog About … Find Your Passion

What Should I Blog About … Find Your Passion

One of the most common questions I hear from newbie’s to the blogging world is "I want to start a blog, but I just don’t know what to write about." Only yesterday I was asked the question. ‘what should I blog about?’  by somebody that wanted to become a blogger. To me ...