
Archive for 2013

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Transition Your Market Stall

Transition Your Market Stall

No holiday on the island of Lanzarote could go without a visit to the Market of Teguise. The market itself radiates out from the square and plaza of the old capital, and utilizes all the streets in the town. There are literally hundreds of stalls, selling a huge variety of items ...
Good Energy Booster Foods For Your New Years Diet

Good Energy Booster Foods For Your New Years Diet

Although I have made the most of my break here on the island of Lanzarote I have also still been able to easily eat health, so today I want to tell you about good energy booster foods for your New Years diet, to help you raise your energy levels to an ...
Why Do I Blog On Personal Development

Why Do I Blog On Personal Development

I’ve asked the question ‘why do I blog’ of myself before, but never why do I blog on personal development? After all I’m not Anthony Robbins. I’m certainly not Brian Tracy. Definitely never written Chicken Soup for the soul Series, so I’m not Jack Canfield. I may be quite successful but not in Stephen Covey’s ...
This week at Healthy Lifestyles Living (06 Jan 2013)

This week at Healthy Lifestyles Living (06 Jan 2013)

If you haven't been around this week then this is just for you. Here's what's been going on at Healthy Lifestyles Living over the last week. Hope you enjoy the articles! [latestblogpost latestpostid="11615" addhrline=true][/latestblogpost] [latestblogpost latestpostid="11618" addhrline=true][/latestblogpost] [latestblogpost latestpostid="11623" addhrline=true][/latestblogpost] [latestblogpost latestpostid="11645" addhrline=true][/latestblogpost]
Harness the Power of Positive Thinking

Harness the Power of Positive Thinking

If you can harness the power of positive thinking then the possibilities for you in life are endless as nothing will hold you back. Every one of you must already realise that positive thinking results in a positive and more fulfilling life for those that practice it. Generally positive people are happy ...
Seize Your Day In 2013

Seize Your Day In 2013

Last year I wrote an article which can give you some tips on how to seize your day in 2013. With everyone coming up with all kinds of new years resolutions for the start of 2013 I wanted to remind you that sometimes seizing the day is all it takes for ...
Put Your Best Foot Forward

Put Your Best Foot Forward

No matter what you do in life, always put your best foot forward to give you the best possible chance to achieve your goal no matter what that may be. I love waking up when abroad. Excited by the expectations of seeing the sun in the sky. So there I was this ...
What Do You Really Want In Your Life In 2013

What Do You Really Want In Your Life In 2013

Its a simple question, what do you really want in your life in 2013? May I start by wishing you all a healthy, wealthy and happy 2013. I want you to believe with all your mind and heart that this will be the year you truly begin to see the fruits of ...