The Healthy Lifestyles Living Wellness Blog with Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Taking Control of Your Reactions

Taking Control of Your Reactions

How good are you at seeing the worst in everything and everyone, by not taking control of your reactions? Have you mastered the habit of reacting negatively; of finding the bad in everything that happens and with everyone that comes in contact with you. I bet you're a true champion in ...
Believing in Yourself

Believing in Yourself

Have you ever thought about how believing in yourself makes such an awesome difference in your quality of life? If not, you need to. A strong belief in yourself will bring you an unbelievable number of benefits: This week I asked myself ‘what is the difference between the person that wins the ...
Now For Something Completely Different

Now For Something Completely Different

Last night watching the London Olympics closing ceremony I was overjoyed to see Eric Idle performing his sketch. I wonder how many recognized him as being one of the British comedy troupe Monty Python. If you do you’d certainly remember Monty Python and the Holy Grail and the  Life of Brian. ...
A Journey to Grandparenting

A Journey to Grandparenting

  I proudly announce that I am entering the early stages of a mid-life crisis. And yes, I know I should be worried, but in fact I’m celebrating. What a year I am having. I know I’ve said it before. Let me think. There was my eldest daughter’s 21’st birthday in April, my 50th ...
Have You Reached Your Turning Point

Have You Reached Your Turning Point

Are you down? Do you feel stuck? Do you dread getting up on Monday and going to work? Or, do you hate getting to the end of another week having achieved nothing? Do you feel you are destined for more, for a better life? “I found every single successful person I've ever spoken to had a ...
How to Overcome Frustration

How to Overcome Frustration

One of the most important things we need to learn is how to overcome frustration. “Being defeated is often temporary, giving up makes it permanent” Marilyn von Savant Some mornings, you find it so hard to get yourself going, in fact you don’t want to get out of bed at all. Your goals ...
Stop Calling Yourself Stupid

Stop Calling Yourself Stupid

I enjoyed reading an article a few days ago by Alden Tan titled ‘Why Nobody Can Ever Call You Stupid.’ In it he says ‘I shed the label of stupid with a life of hard work and passion’. We are not all born with an abundance of intelligence. And some of us ...
Embrace the Olympic Spirit

Embrace the Olympic Spirit

Today I want to look at how each of us should embrace the Olympic spirit. I had to find a reason to explain why I’m glued to the television during the London Olympics other than the fact I’m a complete fanatical sports lover, and patriotic Brit. For many of us, we can ...
Constant and Never Ending Improvement

Constant and Never Ending Improvement

Constant and never ending improvement is a major priority in my life.  To always keep learning. Long ago I made a commitment to lifelong learning, and I make sure that I spend at least 60 minutes a day devoted to this task. I believe that this is a vital way to ...
The London Olympics Games Brings The World Together

The London Olympics Games Brings The World Together

Let the London Olympic Games begin! We have now been warmed up by the opening ceremony, and what a spectacle that was. Like a billion other people across this planet I was glued to the opening ceremony of the London Olympics. Now I’m a sporting fanatic, but the ceremonies are normally a ...