The Healthy Lifestyles Living Wellness Blog with Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Live for Today

Live for Today

Ever have a day go by, or week, where you end up asking yourself  ‘what have I got done?’ You notice that your days are going by so quickly, yet without any real achievements? Worst still, can you remember the last time you were truly happy? The last time you laughed ...
The Best Never Give Up

The Best Never Give Up

The best never give up! On Sunday Bradley Wiggins became the first Briton to win the Tour de France. I can’t think of many harder, more gruelling sporting events than this. Once he had completed his victorious ride up the Champs-Elysees, he said: “It’s the stuff of dreams…As a child, being a ...
Remove Negative Thoughts

Remove Negative Thoughts

If you are having yet another bad day, and you’re thinking thoughts about how dreadful things are, and how bad life can be, it’s time to start changing how your mind sees and interprets things, most importantly its time to remove negative thoughts .It does amaze me how many people I ...
A Memorable Year for Me

A Memorable Year for Me

What a great time of life! I am fifty years old. I have my health, I feel good and I am in love with my life. And I have no doubt the best time is yet to come. This year, 2012 was always going to be a memorable year for me. After ...
Have You Lost Your Way?

Have You Lost Your Way?

Stop! Look! Listen! Think! Are you where you want to be? Or have you lost your way? It can be so easy to lose our way, falling off track, but it’s just as easy not to notice the signs. Yet it can have a very deep and lasting impact on your life: ...
Start With The End In Mind

Start With The End In Mind

I want to share a thought with you today.  It is a simple thought.  It’s going to make a world of difference in your life. Only you can positively and actively influence how your life will turn out, and if you want to create the life of your dreams, you’d better ...
Never Give Up On Your Dreams

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

I have one message for you today, and that is never give up on your dreams. Don’t you dare forego your dreams, because if you do you’ll surely dampen your life. Everyone has a dream, something they want to accomplish, that they fantasize  about. You know the one. That big dream ...
15 year old boy

15 year old boy

A 15 year old boy getting angry or changing can be difficult to deal with. I have a 15 year old son who has suddenly transformed into an angry person who doesn't want to talk or accept anything his father suggests? It's like he has suddenly become 15 and angry overnight. What happened to that easy going  fun ...
Determine Your Priorities

Determine Your Priorities

I believe one of the most important things you can do for yourself, and your life is determine your priorities. Alas many of you don’t even think about what you spend your time doing. You get up, you go to work, you come home, you go to bed. You just go ...
Law of Attraction | Adult Dyslexia

Law of Attraction | Adult Dyslexia

My educational journey about adult dyslexia has come full circle. It seems that somehow the law of attraction is involved in the process. I am not saying that the person with dyslexia has attracted it to themselves. The Ron Davis method for undoing the disorientation that takes place in dyslexia suggests that dyslexia is a gift. Dyslexics ...