
Archives by: Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Stop Being A Victim

Stop Being A Victim

Do you feel as though you are like a tiny pebble in the ocean being battered by the waves, a victim to the water, unable to control your journey? One of the worst things people allow themselves to become is victims. Seeing themselves as having little or no control over their lives. ...
The Top 10 Reasons We Hate Monday

The Top 10 Reasons We Hate Monday

Another Monday arrives. Will this be the one that begins to ignite your life, where your dreams and aspirations become a reality, or just another, like all those that have gone before, with nothing but frustrations and emptiness being what the day brings. Do you love or hate Mondays? Typically Monday is ...


Do you feel stuck, bored or frustrated with your life? Your saving grace is you believe there could be something more, a greater sense of meaning or excitement waiting for you. Everyone should wake up every morning knowing that the new day brings new possibilities. Without this belief, life can be ...
We All Have To Make Choices Every Day

We All Have To Make Choices Every Day

We all have to make choices every day. Each choice will have consequences. You’ll probably make almost a hundred choices every day. Whether or not to get out of bed, what to eat, what to do, what to think about, what to say, who to see…and on and on. While many ...
Frustrated With How Your Life Is

Frustrated With How Your Life Is

Are you totally frustrated with how your life is right now? Does it feel like life is just passing you by? There is no meaning to your day, worse still, no meaning to your life. You’re just surviving not living. Day after day you follow the same old routines. Struggle out of ...
Rebuilding your Life after Illness

Rebuilding your Life after Illness

It is essential that you begin rebuilding your life after illness. You can't allow yourself to become the victim of your condition. Illness can absorb your life and knock you so far off course you may never find your way back. Even if you have a terminal disease, you don't have to ...
It’s The Journey That Matters And Not The Destination

It’s The Journey That Matters And Not The Destination

We all have to travel on a winding journey throughout our lifetime. Often it seems our journey is haphazard meeting many obstacles on our way, making our ride bumpy and at times really uncomfortable. There’s no stopping, we have to continue, and try to get more control over both the direction ...
Life Is Too Short To Waste

Life Is Too Short To Waste

We’re only here for a time, and life is too short to waste. If you’re not enjoying most of your ‘living moments’ right now but you’re not doing anything about it... it’s time to change before it’s too late. When I was growing up, I remember my mother saying dozens of times, ...
How To Rewrite Your Story

How To Rewrite Your Story

Everyone has a story. Your story to this point is made up of various chapters that span the course of your lifetime. Those chapters will contain good and bad days, happy and sad memories, wins and losses. The chapters are written, your story has been lived, yet there is more to come, ...
Are You Just Wandering Through Life?

Are You Just Wandering Through Life?

When you go to bed at night do you go to sleep satisfied with your day or fed up that you’re wandering through life. Too many people do that. They just wander through life, going with the flow, never having any direction about where they want their lives to go. ...