
The Reinvention University

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The Reinvention University

Welcome to the Reinvention University. Your reinvention starts here!

See the lessons

Transform your life’s journey and reinvent yourself from a caterpillar to a butterfly, meaning you can turn your ‘ugly’ life into a thing of beauty. In the words of Alicia Keys ‘sometimes you need to start again, in order to fly.’

Yes Larry! I’m interested and want to get started!

Start Your Journey


My name is Larry Lewis and I love helping people who are seeking support with making big life transitions. Those who feel “stuck” in their life and want to forge a path towards a more meaningful existence. To this end I’ve created the Reinvention University.

I’m excited to share what I’ve learned with you and help you take your own steps towards a more fulfilling life and the work you do. Life is too short to waste so you need to design your life to achieve the best that you can.

I want you to think for a moment or two and ask yourself some questions.

  • How do you feel about your life today?
  • Are you living every day in exuberance?
  • Do you love life excited by what you do?
  • Are you looking forward to the possibilities of the future and being able to live your life to the fullest?
  • Or do you find yourself being constantly down and gloomy like I once was, finding that the road you’d taken has hit a dead end, you’re feeling like a failure.?
  • Are you frustrated finding yourself at a crossroads not knowing which direction to take?
  • Are you not ready or willing to face Retirement?

There will come a time when things are confusing, uncertain and perilous in all of our lives. You will face setbacks, breaking points, and failure. That is inevitable. You find yourself stuck in a life that brings no happiness or fulfilment, where your future seems bleak. Things are out of control.

Isn’t it now time for you to take control of your personal journey? Totally reinventing your life and becoming who you were born to be? So you have no regrets later on in life!

One thing you already know is there’s got to be more to life than this. Remember when you were a child, every dream was possible. Now you’ve grown up you allow yourself to dream no more.

But it’s up to you to do something about it. To change how things are. To once again allow yourself to dream.

So many people I meet see how hopeless their life is, and know they can’t go on living like they are. They feel like life is passing them by. With all the chaos and uncertainty in the world these days they feel like they aren’t in control of their fate, things just keep seeming to slip away.

There can be no doubts that we are living in challenging and uncertain times. Yet each day we have the ability to make the choice to take control of our life, or to let it control us. So it’s time for you to seize control.

Here’s the good news…

The minute you make the decision to start living your life better than you have before… reinventing yourself… in that very moment you will feel your potential flowing from within you, you will have a new lease of life.

Us Midlifers


You simply must believe in the possibility of reinventing your life after 50. Even though you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see:

  • Wrinkly face
  • Overweight body
  • Thinning hair

And you come to the realisation you’re bored with:

  • Your job
  • Stale relationships
  • Never having any energy
  • Always worrying about money
  • Constant aches and pains
  • Feeling down often

No matter how old you are; no matter your history, mistakes, regrets and failures, you can start a fresh. The opportunities and possibilities are awaiting you.

You are a bud ready to blossom with potential that you’ve barely begun to tap into. You have a choice! Either forge ahead with an exciting, new chapter in life or accept being washed up drifting into the abyss of retirement. Which choice are you going to make?

I have no doubts about a few things concerning you.

  • I know you want to live a life where you manifest your true potential and give it everything you’ve got.
  • There is still a great deal possible for you, you just need help to allow you to grow beyond your wildest dreams and face up to your fears
  • Your potential is waiting for you within. And it’s time for you to create your most remarkable life
  • You were put here on this earth to live your best life. You were put here to do something special, to leave your unique mark.

But only you can bring all these things into reality.

I believe you are here because you are ready to reinvent your life. But you don’t know what to do!  That lack of clarity has paralyzed you so that you just can’t get started with your new life, reinventing yourself the way you know you should.

So let me help you get unstuck now and go on to design and live the life you dare dream of. A great life doesn’t just happen.  It is created.  If you want to live life to its absolute fullest, then you have to take specific steps to make it happen.

You have a unique mission in life! You have unique talents to achieve your mission. You have a unique personal destiny. Now you can choose to build your unique life!

And I have a great way for you to get started. So let me introduce you to the Reinvention University and the Compass for Life, our course developed to give you a super jumpstart toward creating the life of your dreams. The Reinvention University gives you the tools for making changes and improving your life one day at a time. We will provide you with a step-by-step process that keeps you focused so you can reinvent, rejuvenate and reframe your life.

It’s time to reinvent yourself and turn from that caterpillar to the beautiful butterfly. Let your future be one where you bring your natural gifts and passions to the forefront of your life. We have a way to start your reinvention which will cost you nothing. Your Compass for Life Course – Reinvent Your Life in Midlife is exactly what you’ve been looking for. This demonstrates my mission to help you step up and change your life bringing about a healthier, happier, more inspired you.

Yes Larry! I’m interested and want to get started!

My Journey To Reinvention


The Chinese have a proverb “if you want to know the road ahead, ask someone who has traveled it.” I love the life I have reinvented for myself and know I can help you do the same.

Your compass for life came into being after a series of events left me with the challenge of rebuilding my life from the ground up. Through this course, I plan to share my experiences in the hopes that others might be inspired or motivated to create their own reinvention.

I never, ever thought that I would be starting over at this stage of my life. I had it all figured out. I was living the dream, great house, cars, holidays, family, a bright future on the horizon. My goals, dreams, aspirations—all coming together. Until, suddenly, they weren’t.

All my dreams, all my hopes for my life, collapsed around me. I was devastated. In  my  late 40’s I experienced personal challenges that made me feel like I fell into a deep, dark abyss, and at  the time I felt very little excitement for what my midlife would bring. Life seemed to be trying to beat me down, everything seemed so confusing, uncertain and perilous. I faced problems from every direction. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through. In my darkest period’s first few months, I wasn’t sure I even had enough left in me to try. At 47 I had lost everything.

Yet I’ve gone on to prove you can move onward and upward to create the wonderful future that is possible for you. These challenges of mine turned out to be the stepping stones to my complete transformation. I have gone on to prove that you can transform your midlife challenges if you allow the possibility to resonate with you.

I made a vital decision at 49, my impact on the world would not, could not, end with me, as a failure. So I made a decision right there to start living my life as the best it could be. At that very moment, the instant I recognized the potential coursing through my veins, something inside of me woke up. I unleashed a power that would go on to create the life I envisaged.

You can put an end to the chronic stress, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction you more than likely are feeling in your career and life. I transformed my life and know the same is possible for anyone.

The Compass For Life


If you have ever said : “There must be more to life than this” then this program shows you how you can achieve it!

Your life compass can give direction and intention to your life. As a life coach, I’m passionate about helping others to find the best way for them to live and work, and I’m tired of watching so many live in frustration.

This free 12-part course will get you started. It’s a course and a personal coach all rolled into one.

Realise it’s not too late, in fact it’s never too late to change directions in your business & personal life. You just have to decide! You have to believe you are the principal architect and creator of your life. This course will take you on a journey that will give you the specific steps leading to your plan for ultimate success. Make the rest of your life the best of your life and leave a great legacy!

“A person should be ashamed to die, until (s)he has made a monumental impact on mankind.” Horace Mann

Your compass for life is a life transforming 12 week course. Throughout which you will receive support from your very own personal coach. Everyone needs a coach. The world’s top athletes all have coaches who help them to create consistent and ongoing improvement.  In twelve interactive online lessons, I will share the tools and techniques needed to reinvent your life. I WILL BE YOUR PERSONAL COACH.

The Lessons


Here are the lessons you will receive:

Where Am I?



Are you happy with who, where and what you are? It’s time for you to take stock of your life and determine whether you’re living your dream, and if not, to start reinventing your life. Take heart it is never too late to redirect your life if you’re not where you want it to be! Like the start of any journey you must know where you’re leaving from.

Where Am I?



Has your life come to the point where you want to bring about change? Take off your blinkers to see the opportunities and possibilities waiting for you.  You know there’s something missing in your life, you feel dissatisfied all of the time, well now’s the time to reinvent your life and find the picture of life as you want it to unfold? You can design your ideal life and to do this you need to start with the end in mind. This means you must know exactly how you want your life to work out, that you get clear on what you really, really want. What would the ideal life look like for you?  Why do you want it? What is it about your dreams that excite you? How will you feel when you’ve accomplished it? You need to be driven by creating your wonderful legacy.

What Do I Need?



By identifying your gifts, strengths and desires you will have the vehicle you will use to reinvent your world in the best way. It’s about getting back to your core and becoming who you were born to be by building the roadmap for your future. In life we are given an opportunity to play many roles. Our journey is successful when we can leverage the roles we are best at. Our power comes from our existing skills, talents, knowledge, and values. You are most effective, do the best work, and enjoy life the most when you leverage all the best that you are.

What Obstacles Will I Encounter?



What changes do you have to make to put your life on course? Work on resolving each of the problems that keep you from doing the things you want to do and being the kind of person you want to be. You have to determine what’s made your life as it is right now, determine those things that have kept you from doing the things you wanted to do in the past and resolve them. You have to face your fears and not be afraid. Overcoming fear is one of the toughest problems we face, but we have to face down those imaginary fears not allowing them to paralyze us so we can go on to enjoy the best life has to offer.

Love Yourself?



Do you like yourself? You need to see yourself as worthy. Loving yourself is at the very core of wellbeing, joy, self-empowerment, and is essential for you if you’re going to create and enjoy the kind of life you want. You cannot enjoy happiness if you are not at peace with yourself. You must wake up to the fact that you bring something special to the world. There’s no more time for a low self esteem! Never think that you’re living your life for nothing, and when you love yourself you’ll realise how important you actually are.

Love Yourself?



By finding our true calling doing a job we love, our whole life will benefit. We are all here to achieve the greatness inside us and inspire others to do the same. We were meant to shine, so no longer allow this not to be your priority.  Set the mission statement for your life–one that will drive you to live your life to the fullest that will let you live 100% in alignment with your purpose. Ask yourself, what was I born to do? What is my life’s purpose? My life’s story showed me my calling, the cause that mattered to me, look at yours and find the hidden meaning.

Reinvent Your Life



Time and our thoughts are our biggest issues. How much time do we have left? The answer to that is uncertain.  We start seeing mortality and too many say to themselves “It’s to late for me to make anything of my life.” You need to realise that you have plenty of time to completely transform everything there is in your life especially who you are. Life is so precious and each day a gift so enjoy every minute as it were your last to live. Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t allow baggage of the past to pull you back. Remember the past is gone and the future not yet born! You have acquired the knowledge of a lifetime, use it well.

Be Definite About Your Destination



Now look back at what you have done the previous lessons. You should know a lot more about yourself, have an idea what you’re  good at (or excel in) and have a really good idea about where you are headed. This might be a good time to go over the work we’ve done the past weeks and see what insights you’ve gained. Check back over your goals and see whether they are exactly what is right for you. By now you may have more insight to where you want life to go, so if need be change your goals.

Create Your Map



It is time to define a specific action plan for getting the life you desire.  You need a strategy to follow that will ultimately create the picture you want. You have to plan the way forward for yourself to get from where you are to where you want to be and your goals are essential to your fulfilment and happiness, they are the fuel that can spark your enthusiasm. Where do you want your compass to lead you?

Take Massive Action



Live with no regret. Make sure you can look back and say “I’ve done everything I wanted to do.” This is all about taking action. Now you have a clear direction mapped out for a brand-new, exciting life.  All you have to do now is put your foot down on the accelerator to start making things happen.  If you just complete one small step in your plan every day, then a year from now you will be 365 steps closer to your ideal life.  Little by little, your life will be transformed and just like a flower blooms, so will you.

Review Your Progress



You have to review and analyse that you are moving forward in the right direction. With the clear sense of the road you now want to take it t is essential you keep moving forward, taking your life towards the place where you want it to be. You should always review your progress to ensure you are making advances in the right direction. If that is not the case then you need to take action to remedy the situation.

Be Determined



So where are you now? You have completed the twelve week online course. This final week we wrap up, talk about where to go from here and how to keep your flame alive. You’ll also get a certificate that says you have completed the Compass for Life Course. Now go on to transform your life, knowing nothing can stop you AND I WILL HELP YOU TO ENSURE YOU NEVER GIVE UP. Let me share with you the principles of ‘never giving up.’

What You Receive


You Will Receive:

  • A weekly PDF including the weeks lesson  with exercises designed to help you work through your life’s reinvention
  • A Weekly webinar taking you through the weeks lesson
  • Access to a warm and welcoming Facebook online community where you can meet up with like-minded people, share ideas, brainstorm solutions, and receive support
  • A Weekly Rev It Up clinic. An extra Webinar to help you with any problems, giving you help to get things done, enabling you to get clarity when you get stuck during a lesson .
  • Our online forum to ask questions, get clarity about your own journey and learn from others who are creating their own “reinvention road map.”

In just 12-weeks with online learning tools and my support – a life coach and fellow reinventor , as your personal guide, your total life reinvention will be on course. The Reinvention University will give you the tools you need to take control of your life. It’s time to make the rest of your life the best of your life.

Let me be your helping hand, a navigator for the journey to help you plan, to keep you motivated, and to hold you accountable. If you are really ready to get out of your rut and stop spinning your wheels, then let’s get started! Take the first step towards creating your own exhilarating journey by enrolling on this course right away!

Register your interest below

The Reinvention University is now Open. Come and take a look!

Join NOW it’s a truly life changing experience.

Find Out More

If you would like any further information then email me at larry@healthylifestylesliving.com and I would be happy to answer any questions you have.

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About the author: Larry Lewis
My name is Larry Lewis, Health & Wellness Life Coach, Founder of Healthy Lifestyles Living, contributor to the Huffington Post, recently featured in the Sunday Mail Newspaper and somebody who went from being an owner of a chain of gyms and fitness fanatic, to a visually impaired overweight and incredibly sick person. Read about my illness to wellness story.
One comment
  1. Raymond Bowley says:

    Hi Larry,
    I have spent nearly 72 years on this Earth and gone through most of life’s trials and tribulation, and come out the other end a better and stronger person, I like myself and because of it others like me, I have taken most of the steps to improve my life Been through two marriages the second for 36 years bought up three Children one son and two daughters who are all having successful and productive lives, the way they have become , I feel is the result of a good life while under my care and tutelage.
    So the first 60 years of my life were a success. If I was asked how would I live my life over if I had the chance I would say The same only a better.

    I now live in Thailand work with Wealthy affiliates so as to develop a successful on-line Business, not because I need the money -But I do Need the challenge, living with my Thai Wife and our 8 year old daughter I am learning another culture and I call this my 2nd life, My darling Nid is the gentlest and most loving woman I have ever met she makes me laugh she helps me Love her with all my heart, unlike most Thai girls she encourages me in all things and refuses to spend our money on any luxuries, for the first time in my life I have been able to actually save money, the only extra money I will need is enough to buy a small piece of land and build a house for Pammy and My darling Nid, so that when I go they will have the security of their own home and hopefully enough in the Bank for Nid to see Pammy Through School , college and eventually through University I hope to be there, but realistically at my age nearly 72, I don’t think I will – That is the only Black hole on my horizon that I will not see my dear little Pammy grow up and become a young woman and no amount of Life coaching is going to help me with that.
    I suppose I can teach myself to accept that and see it as part of life’s rich pattern of events, but at least I will go knowing I have helped set another person on the right path of life, and that she wont end up in a bar or a 7-11 working for pennies to support her family at home on the Farm, she will be educated and have a life and know her worth.
    These are my goals, well defined and fixed.

    Larry I think what you are attempting to do is most commendable giving your time freely to help others not so fortunate become better people There are so many of them who lead a humdrum uninteresting lives who with a little help and guidance could become so much more than they ever thought possible, and better people will make a better World

    Anyway Thank you for the invitation and thank you Even more for caring .

    Best refards and good wishes for the future,

    Ray Bowley (Merryman88 ) at Wealthy Affiliate University

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