Location Independent Lifestyle

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Join us on Saturday: Power of Passion Webinar

Join us on Saturday: Power of Passion Webinar

Hello Friends, Most of you journey through life taking care of family, friends, business, in fact everyone and everything before you look after yourself. With your responsibilities to those people you love, your basic need to make money, with many of you putting all you energy towards keeping your head above water , ...
Passion to succeed against all odds.

Passion to succeed against all odds.

Hello I was talking to my good friend James Oncys from Haiti on facebook today and it occurred to me how driven and determined  he was to succeed. Haiti is a very poor island nation and the first time I spoke with James he showed me photos of ruins from a terrible earthquake ...
How To Develop Passion In Your Work

How To Develop Passion In Your Work

How many of you are feeling increasingly unhappy about your job? Do you find yourself day dreaming about other things you could be doing with the time you spend at work? Do you dread the thought of Monday mornings? You spend nearly half of your life at work. If you are unhappy, ...
Do You Know What Your Passion Is?

Do You Know What Your Passion Is?

My question for you today is ‘Do you know what your passion is?’ Are you repressing your passion for the sake of conforming to that norm we call the 9-to-5 existence. You feel pressured to keep doing so because you have people depending on you to provide for them. We’ve all been ...
Are You Ready To Live Your Life With Passion

Are You Ready To Live Your Life With Passion

Today we’ve launched the Power of passion Community. So you want to know what The Power of Passion Community is all about. I’m going to tackle this in a slightly different way. I’ve probably spent a good 6 weeks putting this community together. Writing posts, recording audios, creating an eBook, designing up ...
Passion over Failure – No Contest

Passion over Failure – No Contest

Failure is something we are all going to face at some time in life. That’s just the way it is. But the word failure is so often taken the wrong way, because in truth, failing doesn’t mean anything other than you have had a setback. Nothing is permanent in life. Certainly ...
Is your passion hard to find?

Is your passion hard to find?

Is your passion hard to find? This has to be a very silly question surely? I mean everybody knows what they like right? Strangely I have a hunch that the answer to is your passion hard to find question is not quite that simple. Why? Several reasons: Your insecurities and self doubt make it ...
Join our Passion Community

Join our Passion Community

Join our Passion Community We are delighted to have you become a loyal subscriber.  It is our hope that you receive real value for the time you put into developing yourself. Time is your most precious asset and we would like to reward you with amazing resources for you to grow into ...
Spirit of a leader

Spirit of a leader

The spirit of a leader post is written to remind you of what it takes to be a good leader. Most people are taught to follow and conform to being a follower. Usually it's the rebels who create problems and challenge the system that become the leaders. Why do they become leaders? The rebels take ...
Larry and Loddy | mastermind team

Larry and Loddy | mastermind team

I started talking to Larry Lewis about six months ago. It was late October of 2011. He had some brilliant ideas  on how to help people become successful on line. His blogging skills and his air of confidence really resonated with me. He came across as a loveable larrakin as we love ...