Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?
What is Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD? When Michaela was first diagnosed with this disorder, it was called ‘Sensory Integration Disorder’. The name has since changed, but the condition remains the same. It is the inability to sort and organize sensory signals into appropriate responses (1). This is a very frustrating ...
It’s getting that time of year again, when schools are finishing up testing and winding down the year of learning. For most, the children are looking forward to a summer of fun and excitement while the parents may be looking forward to a planned vacation, or just the absence of nightly ...
Everyone experiences headaches in their lifetime. But what happens when your headaches are more than just that? What happens when your headache begins to disrupt your daily life? Or worse yet, what happens when that headache turns into a migraine? Could your headaches or migraines be telling you something?
How many of ...
It is early in the evening. The sun is shining and you are in the kitchen making dinner. Your children are doing their homework. The sky becomes dark and the wind picks up. Emergency warnings flash across your TV screen. You hear a low roaring sound. A tornado is heading directly ...
When I was growing up, I have memories of my father feverishly picking elderberries and then making them into jellies and wine. I had no idea about the effects of elderberry during flu season and how they help keep you healthy. Our back yard was filled with elderberry bushes and they ...
When Michaela was first diagnosed with an egg allergy, I searched for egg substitutions. Flaxseed was one of many that I discovered along my research and found there are many benefits of Flaxseed. Egg allergies present an additional challenge in baking. There are several ‘recipes’ available but the ...
Over the last several years, I have watched the interest in gluten free foods increase. So, where do we eat? Whether it is because yourself or family member has been diagnosed with Celiac, or an individual has decided for personal reasons to go gluten-free, the Gluten-free diet trend has been on ...
Being a blogger that includes Gluten and Allergy Free Recipes, on my blog, I was recently asked “Why do you write recipes?” You know? I had to really sit and ponder on that question for quite some time and I’m still not so sure that I have any one answer.
As a child, I ...
I want to do what I love and I want to make a difference. I am passionate about my work and I want it to do something great. Does that seem egotistical? I don't think so. I do know there is no "I" in team. And now here at Healthy Lifestyles ...
Welcome to my wellness blog. Here you will find a wide range of great articles all designed to help you lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Together, we can take back your health!