

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

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Small Steps To Pick Yourself Up After A Period Of Bad Health

Small Steps To Pick Yourself Up After A Period Of Bad Health

Have you struggled to pick yourself up after a period of bad health? If you have then you know how difficult it is to fully recover. So what do you need to do? Many people have found success by working with a life coach. This post will tell you some ...
Plan Your Day Plan Your Life

Plan Your Day Plan Your Life

Are you living the life you want or does life seem to be going nowhere? If it’s the latter, why do you think things just haven’t been working out right for you? Could it be that you don’t have a plan? I know that many of you claim it’s that you don’t have enough ...
Visualize Your Life As Though It Was Perfect

Visualize Your Life As Though It Was Perfect

Have you ever tried to visualize your life as though it was perfect? We are all born with an awesome power which alas most of us have never been taught to use effectively. We may dabble with it, picturing ourselves sunbathing on a beach or driving the cars of our dreams. ...
Have A Positive Mindset

Have A Positive Mindset

Does anyone really need me to advise them if they have a positive mindset what the benefits would be simply by shifting their thoughts from negative to positive? Surely not. Everyone has to realise that when you have a positive mindset everything in your life seems better. Opportunities and possibilities keep coming your way. More often ...
Is ego a dirty word

Is ego a dirty word

Is ego a dirty word ? Is ego a dirty word?  We were brought up to believe it was and we associated ego with loud people who liked to boast. As I understand more about myself and how ego likes to control us and become ever more powerful I realize that ego can ...
What Makes You Come Alive

What Makes You Come Alive

What makes you come alive? I love this question. Doesn't it really spark your aliveness when you think about those things that make you come alive. When you connect to the things that make you come alive you would then want to share your vision, your voice and your creative inspiration. You are ...
Reinventing Yourself

Reinventing Yourself

The most common thing I hear from over 50 something’s is “what’s left for me now.” They see it as though time is running out for themselves, time is no longer on their side. They show a growing sense of fear and desperation seeing nothing more than limitations and weakness ahead ...
If Today Was Your Last Day (Nickelback)

If Today Was Your Last Day (Nickelback)

Here's my fourteenth entry for the never give up songs series, If Today Was Your Last Day (Nickelback). Hope you enjoy it! If Today Was Your Last Day - Nickelback My best friend gave me the best advice He said each days a gift and not a given right Leave no stone unturned Leave your fears ...
Put Your Best Foot Forward

Put Your Best Foot Forward

No matter what you do in life, always put your best foot forward to give you the best possible chance to achieve your goal no matter what that may be. I love waking up when abroad. Excited by the expectations of seeing the sun in the sky. So there I was this ...
10 Exercises to Train Your Core Muscles

10 Exercises to Train Your Core Muscles

Your core muscles are one of the most important group of muscles in your body. Your core is at the crux of everything you do, from your day-to-day activities, to your athletic pursuits. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia it says “In anatomy, the core refers, in its most general of definitions, to ...