
Be Happy … Have a Sense of Meaning and Purpose in Life

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Be Happy … Have a Sense of Meaning and Purpose in Life

Everyone wants to be happy. One thing that I have found is that most unhappy people have one thing in common, they have no ‘real goals’. Generally an unhappy person has no clear sense of meaning and purpose in life.

I see my personal mission as being that of helping people achieve their personal development goals quicker than they would on their own without my support, to get them from wherever they are today to wherever they want to go. Basically I want to make the difference.

Successful people think about what they want, and how to get it, most of the time. They focus on their most intensely desired goals. Deciding upon your goals clears the fog immediately and allows you to focus and channel your energies and abilities toward what you really want. By simply deciding exactly what you want, you will begin to move towards your goals. The starting point of goal setting is for you to realise that you have virtually unlimited potential to be, have, or do anything you really want in life if you simply want it badly enough and are willing to work long enough and hard enough to achieve it.

The second part of goal setting is for you to accept complete responsibility for your life, and for everything that happens to you, with no blaming and no excuses.

Today I want you to ask yourself some questions to unlock your full potential. I want you to do this with a positive mindset, so today I ask you to be an optimist about your life.

“Two men look out through the same bars: One sees the mud, and one sees the stars.”- Frederick Langbridge.

In life, you are always filled with choices. You may opt to have a pessimist’s view and live a self-defeated life or you may decide to take the optimist’s route and take a challenging and fulfilling life. So why not be an optimist today? And think positively towards a more fulfilled life. Now look at these questions and start getting your life to lift of.

Your History:

What would you say have been your 3 greatest accomplishments to date?

Brag, be proud, this is not a moment to be shy.




What have you learnt about yourself from these events?

What is the hardest thing(s) in your life that you have had to overcome?

Don’t avoid this one.




What have you learnt about yourself from these events?

Are You Stressed?

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 high, rate the amount of stress in your life today?

What are your primary stressors?

List five things that you are tolerating or putting up with in your life at present







List improvements you would like to make in the following areas of your life.

1. Family/home life:

2. Financial situation:

3. Career or Business life:

4. Personal Character:

5. Relationships:

6. Leisure time:

7. Self-care:

8. Learning:

Your Life:

Who are the key people in your life and what do they provide for you?

Is your life one of your choosing? (If not, which parts are being chosen for you?)

What is your favorite part of your typical day?

What is your least favorite part of your typical day?

Looking at the past six months of your life, do you like the direction your life is moving in?

Take a look at Yourself:

List five adjectives that describe you at your best: Your Greatest Strengths.






What adjectives describe who you want to be in your future?






List five adjectives that describe you at your worst: Your Greatest Weaknesses.






What are your 5 major concerns/fears about life?






What part of yourself, if any, have you given up on?

Potential and Possibility:

Do you have a personal or professional vision? If so, what is it?

What would you like to contribute to the world?

What is your life’s purpose or mission?

What are you passionate about? (What gets your blood pumping or gives you joy?)

What are the three biggest changes you want to make in your life in the next 3 months?




What are the three biggest changes you want to make in your life over the next 3 years?




What do you want to achieve most in life?




Describe your life, as you will see it, when it gets to being as good as it gets?

So I’m asking you to ask yourself these questions. The answers are there to provide you a catalyst to see where you are today and where you want to go. Now get yourself moving in the right direction. Use this weekend to EMPOWER YOUR LIFE!

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About the author: Larry Lewis
My name is Larry Lewis, Health & Wellness Life Coach, Founder of Healthy Lifestyles Living, contributor to the Huffington Post, recently featured in the Sunday Mail Newspaper and somebody who went from being an owner of a chain of gyms and fitness fanatic, to a visually impaired overweight and incredibly sick person. Read about my illness to wellness story.
  1. What a terrific way to get people focused, honestly, on what their life and dreams are all about, and launching them in the right direction.
    Fantastic, Larry!

  2. Where were you Larry,all these days,I missed you…thank you for coming back with such a wonderful post…I guess being focused is what will make us get to our goals in life…That is what I tell my daughter,will share this post with her..thanks a lot Larry.

  3. Janaki Nagaraj says:

    This is awesome. Nice way to get us focused.

  4. Jessica says:

    Great post…you have provided an effective framework to help organize and realize our goals. Thanks!

  5. Grady Pruitt says:

    Okay… I’ll admit that as of right now, I haven’t read through and answered all of the questions here. But they have already gotten me thinking about the things that I like in my life and in what ways I would like to improve. Fantastic list, Larry!

    • LarryLewis says:

      Thank you for commenting Grady. I feel my duty as a personal development coach is to get my readers to think, to ponder, to look at themselves and their life, so it is a real boost when i kmow i have made you do this.

  6. jerly says:

    I realised I am just drifting and have no goal

  7. Hi Larry,
    These are insightful questions and for me to answer them need a lot of reflection and I’m going to spend some time on them this coming weekend. I’m curious to know the answers and see if my goals are clear enough to move me from where I am now to where I want to be.
    I can say that I’m happier now than I was a year ago because then, I felt that I had no purpose but I want more and I agree with you that we have unlimited potential in what we can achieve in life. We just have to let go of our limiting beliefs.
    Thank you for sharing.

  8. movers Orlando says:

    Ola! Healthylifestylesliving,
    I just stumbled across this and, There is absolutely nothing like a beneficial reason to unite and motivate a group of personnel. You can see this clearly in the voluntary sector. This is just where individuals are inspired by ‘the cause’. You can use the similar straightforward principle to motivate the workers in your organisation.

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