Monday October 24th Rules of Life: Be True to Your Word
Description: If you say you are going to do something, then make sure you follow through on it. By always keeping your word, you keep your Integrity. Always keep your promise, and if you cannot, don’t make them. When you give your word that you are going to do something, your word has to be your bond. Please learn not to make promises you don’t intend to keep, and certainly don’t pledge yourself to something you can’t follow through on…
Tuesday October 25th Video – The Secret Film Trailer
Description: Today for my YouTube Tuesday offering, I would like to bring to you the trailer of the film ‘The Secret’. Over the course of my life there have been several life changing experiences, and one of them was truly watching this film. I know many of you doubt what is taught in this, but why? Surely if anything can inspire one’s mind to believe that better things are possible, then we should grab hold of that belief and let it inspire us.
Wednesday October 26th Rules of Life: Do Something For Somebody Every Day For Which You Do Not Get Paid
Description: We all can make a difference to others lives by what we choose to do in our own life. There can be nothing better in my mind than to share your talent, skills, knowledge, and time with others. I also believe that everything you invest into others will return to you many times over.
Thursday October 27th Rules of Life: Beginning With The End In Mind
Description: Building clarity of purpose is what beginning with the end in mind is all about. Everything you do needs to be analysed to see how all the parts support each other. By thinking from the future back to the present enables you to move forward strategically. How many of you are struggling because you are living day by day, with no strategy just depending on your piecemeal thinking.
Friday October 28th Rules of Life: Make Time for Yourself
Description: By taking time out you are giving yourself time to contemplate, to think things through. It provides you with an opportunity to try and get your life back on track, figuring out where you are, and where you want to be. It will give you the chance to look at what’s happening in your life and try to draw some conclusions about what it is you truly want to be doing.
Saturday October 29th When to Stand Your Ground, When to Walk Away
Description: There are moments when several things come together and you decide, happily at times, with sadness at others, that now is the time to change. These ‘moments’ are little messages that, individually, may not make you jump into change but collectively, make the path quite clear.
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