Please find a summary of articles published this week on Healthy Lifestyles Living Blog
Monday 27th February 2012 Back to Blogging on to My Passion by Larry Lewis
Becoming a blogger impassioned me with direction, purpose and provided me a platform to share ideas with others. I was moved to share what has been valuable to me in creating a happy and healthy life, and sharing my passion, ultimately making a difference.
Tuesday 28th February 2012 Make This Your Year Of Possibilities by Larry Lewis
As a child, you had big dreams. Every child always will. The possibilities in life when we are young seem unlimited, and you have a feeling of your invincibility! You believed with certainty that you were going to become somebody! You were going to make a difference! So what happened? What stopped you?
Tuesday 28th February 2012 Dyslexia is it the devil in disguise or a gift? by Loddy Micucci
It seems that dyslexia can manifest itself in many different ways. It is predominantly a learning issue created when an individual is right brain dominant. People with dyslexia are frustrated by the learning system they are exposed to. Imagine having a creative active mind and the capacity to border on genius and the education system that you are in labels you as stupid and a low achiever. This is exactly the scenario dyslexic people are faced with.
Wednesday 29th February 2012 The Many Benefits of Flaxseed by Mary hudak-Collins
When Michaela was first diagnosed with an egg allergy, I searched for egg substitutions. Flaxseed was one of many that I discovered along my research and found there are many benefits of Flaxseed.
Thursday 1st March 2012 There is no passion to be found playing small by Loddy Micucci
Discovering what kicks you out of bed at 5.00 am to start building your passion is exhilarating! Having the time to be creative and not be locked into a mundane existence is priceless. There is no passion to be found playing small. How true this is! Once you strive to achieve and excel in your passionate area of work then drudgery no longer exists.
Friday 2nd March 2012 Stop Sabotaging Yourself by Larry Lewis
Have you ever got so close to your dream that you in fact created a fear of success? You have to stop sabotaging yourself in order to succeed at anything in life and in business.
Saturday 3rd March 2012 Lose the baggage, lose the Weight! by Judy Murphy
Diet shouldn’t be part of our language. Each and every one of us has baggage of somekind. If you lose the baggage, you lose the weight. This is the time of year when a lot of people get on the weight band wagon, some will set outrageous goals, like lose fifty pounds in a month, eat once a day, take diet pills, forget about drinking enough water, don’t get enough sleep, hit and miss exercise, and do this all for someone else, not themselves!
Score Your Way To Good Health - With Our Healthy Lifestyle Plan
Score your way to good health with our healthy lifestyle plan and it's unique 70 point weekly scorecard!
Great idea Larry! This is a great way to go through the week’s posts and making sure you didn’t miss anything that was published 🙂 Especially for those who may not be on the computer each day LOL.
Hey Larry, I like this makes a novice user of computers happy! SIMPLE is BETTER! Healthy Living Lifestyles is starting to really Rock! Keep Neil Busy, wish I could reach out and hug him! AWE YOU too Larry!